انجمن eft ایران

About IREFT Community

If you are looking for an EFT therapist or a therapist looking for specialized EFT courses, this is your home website.
Our goal is to help you achieve your goal.
We are here to help you strengthen, improve and heal your relationships.
Emotional therapy is a reliable scientific approach to heal injuries and strengthen relationships between couples and families.
After 30 years of research on attachment theory, today we have access to a therapeutic and intervention framework to change the negative pattern of relationships to a positive pattern that creates security and strong relationships for our clients.
Emotion-oriented couple therapy shows us up to 90% improvement in relationships.
Emotional therapy is a new approach in psychotherapy for individuals, couples and families.

Zhila Behnad, manager of Iran’s emotional therapy community
Iran’s emotion-oriented therapy community is officially under the membership of ISFET (Official Institute of Emotion-oriented Therapy).

Jila Behnad is a licensed couples and family therapist and licensed EFT therapist and supervisor. He is the founder of the Association of Emotional Therapists of Iran, who was the leader of the association until the fall of 2021.
His efforts to train a couple of emotion-oriented therapists in Iran are unforgettable.