Case Consultation
Presenter: Dr. Zahra Talebi and Mr. Masud Amani, Certified EFT Therapists and Supervisors in Training Topic: Case Consultation Wednesday, February 28th, 2023 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm Iran Standard
Presenter: Dr. Zahra Talebi and Mr. Masud Amani, Certified EFT Therapists and Supervisors in Training Topic: Case Consultation Wednesday, February 28th, 2023 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm Iran Standard
Topic: Core Skills Training, Module 2 Trainer: Dr. Cindy Goodness Zane, Certified EFT Trainer and Supervisor, Hawaii Thursday & Friday, February 16th & 17th, 2023 8:30 am – 3:30
Presenter: Dr. Amirhossein Akbari, PhD. Candidate Topic: EFT and Pornography Addiction (Journal Club Facilitated by Dr. Mona Cheraghi, Certified EFT Therapist and Supervisor in Training, IREFT Co-Chairwoman) In this
Presenter: Dr. Paul Samuel Greenman, Certified EFT Trainer and Supervisor Topic: Mending Broken Hearts Dr. Greenman talked about how social connections can have a supportive and protective effect on
Presenter: Ms. Mahtab Ganjali, EFT Therapist & Ph.D. Candidate Topic: Adult Attachment: Recent Developments in Emerging Debates and Future Directions (Journal Club Facilitated by Dr. Mona Cheraghi, Certified EFT Therapist
IRAN EFT Community
Contact phone: 00989058267071
Address: Tehran, Iran EFT Community
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